

Jest piatek 4.30 rano, -2 stopnie, czekam na autobus zeby dojechac do kampingu niewolnikow (crew room). Jest mi zimno. Nie moge nosic nic czego nie dal mi ryanair wiec mam na sobie cienki plaszcz ryanaira z cienkiego materialu i samej podszewki, nic nie wart na zimno! Mam szalik z napisem ryanair, tez nic nie warty, i musialam za to zaplacic 300 euro! poodpadaly niektore guziki a zeby dostac nowe guziki do przyszycia musze za nie zaplacic. mam tez rekawiczki za ktore zaplacilam w drugi dzien. Mozna zapytac, dlaczego nie kupilam sobie sama rekawiczek czy szalika? ........*
*.....................hmmm, jesli bym to zrobila to prawdopodobnie na nastepny dzien poszlabym do pracy i dostalabym nagane za uniform, mialabym spotkanie dyscyplinarne w dublinie. Wiec co robie? Kupuje nastepny szalik i rekawiczkie od ryanaira i jeszcze jeden plaszcz za 80 euro, i co? place a po 2 miesiacach dalej nie mam kupionych rzeczy. Ale chwila! ktos zostal wyrzucony z pracy i musial zostawic swoje ubranie! wiec dostaje rzeczy za ktore zaplacilam tyle ze uzywane.....*
*.....raportuje sie na moj lot o 5.30 ciagle jest zimno, -2, ale moj lot jest opozniony o godzine, jest duzo opoznionych samolotow, ktore musza wystartowac przed naszym, jest bardzo gesta mgla wiec na pewno bedzie wiecej opoznienia, swietnie! :(
poszlismy do samolotu, mamy juz wszystkich pasazerow, jest 6,30. jestem juz godzine w pracy za co nigdy mi nie zaplaca. do tego wszyscy pasazerowie na mnie krzycza i maja pretensje, ze chca cos do picia a ja nie moge nic im dac.
ciagle stoimy bo jest jeszcze wiecej mgly, odmrazanie lotniska, skrzydel samolotow, jestem w pracy juz od 6 godzin ale za to tez mi nie zaplaca. placa tylko za lot, czyli za czas spedzony w gorze!....*
poszlismy do samolotu, mamy juz wszystkich pasazerow, jest 6,30. jestem juz godzine w pracy za co nigdy mi nie zaplaca. do tego wszyscy pasazerowie na mnie krzycza i maja pretensje, ze chca cos do picia a ja nie moge nic im dac.
ciagle stoimy bo jest jeszcze wiecej mgly, odmrazanie lotniska, skrzydel samolotow, jestem w pracy juz od 6 godzin ale za to tez mi nie zaplaca. placa tylko za lot, czyli za czas spedzony w gorze!....*
*....... kazdy tzw. turn around, czyli czas miedzy wyladowaniem i odlotem, jest czasem w ktorym pracuje, bo wysiadaja pasazerowie, sprzatamy samolot ze smieci, z siedzen i z podlogi, wyrzucamy smieci, przygotowujemy toalety i wyrzucamy smieci, i znowu zaczynaja wsiadac pasazerowie. Wg. rozkladu to trwa 25min ale tak naprawde nigdy nie jest to 25 min a okolo 40min, za co rowniez nie nalezy mi sie zaplata! tak jakbym nie byla w pracy i nie pracowala! ktos zwymiotowal na podloge, musialam to jakos posprzatac na ile moglam, uzylam chusteczek tyle co moglam to pozbieralam. Zrobilam co moglam.....*
*......w koncu mam chwilke na zjedzenie i napicie sie wody, tyle ze podczas lotu i cisnienia woda wytrysnela i zostalo mi tylko troch wody, swietnie, teraz musze wydac 3 funty i kupic sobie maaa butelke wody z baru. podgrzewam sobie jedzenie z supermaketu.
musze teraz sprzedawac produkty na pokladzie. bezdymne papierosy, karty zdrapki, jedzenie picie, kalendarz ryanaira, duty free, i to wszystko musimy zdazyc w godzine!
wyladowalismy w koncu po 4 lotach, mamy 3 godziny spoznienia a mi zaplaca tylko za 4 godziny ktore spedzilam z pasazerami w gorze. reszta sie nie liczy!
w tym miesiacu dostalam 827 euro wyplaty, 257 zabrali na splacenie pozyczki za kurs, 30 za uniform, 290 za wynajmowany pokoj, czyli zostaje mi 255 na zycie, wyzywienie,dojazd do pracy. bede miala szczescie jak mnie nie wyrzuca z pracy po 12 miesiacach (jak to zwykli sa robic)
witamy w ryanair!.
*......w koncu mam chwilke na zjedzenie i napicie sie wody, tyle ze podczas lotu i cisnienia woda wytrysnela i zostalo mi tylko troch wody, swietnie, teraz musze wydac 3 funty i kupic sobie maaa butelke wody z baru. podgrzewam sobie jedzenie z supermaketu.
musze teraz sprzedawac produkty na pokladzie. bezdymne papierosy, karty zdrapki, jedzenie picie, kalendarz ryanaira, duty free, i to wszystko musimy zdazyc w godzine!
wyladowalismy w koncu po 4 lotach, mamy 3 godziny spoznienia a mi zaplaca tylko za 4 godziny ktore spedzilam z pasazerami w gorze. reszta sie nie liczy!
w tym miesiacu dostalam 827 euro wyplaty, 257 zabrali na splacenie pozyczki za kurs, 30 za uniform, 290 za wynajmowany pokoj, czyli zostaje mi 255 na zycie, wyzywienie,dojazd do pracy. bede miala szczescie jak mnie nie wyrzuca z pracy po 12 miesiacach (jak to zwykli sa robic)
witamy w ryanair!.
Ryanair cabin crew day in the life....
After paying over 3,000 Euro For Training
"Its Friday morning,its 4.30am,-2 degress,I'm standing at a bus stop waiting to go to the slave camp(crew room).Im freezing!I cant wear anything that Ryanair didnt give to me,so I have a coat on that isnt worth a dam!I have a scarf on with Ryanair writin on it,useless!I paid €300 for THIS,its not water proof,its doesnt keep the heat in,the buttons rip off(which I must pay to have replaced) and the gloves I was given ripped on my second day!
Your probably asking,why not just buy your own gloves,your own scarf etc.
Well if I do,I will go to work,be given a grooming discrepancy,and probably have a disciplinary meeting in Dublin over it.So what do I do?
Ill buy an extra scarf off Ryanair,gloves and an extra coat(about €80 total).I put in the forms,got charged and two months later?Still nothing,no coat,no gloves,no scarf...but wait,someone was sacked so my base supervisor took the second hand clothes off the former employee and gave them to me instead of the new clothes I paid for.
I report for my flight at 5.30am,its still -2 degrees!My flight doesnt depart for another 1 hour,I'm getting briefed on the 6,yes 6 flights that are ahead of me,all are full so its going to be busy.Great!Theres fog everywhere today and we already have a 1 hour delay due to a slot restriction and de-icing.Great!
I've walked 10minutes to the aircraft,its 6am still freezing though.We board all 179 its now 6.30,I've been in work for one hour and I havent earned a single penny yet,I've been shouted at because we've been delayed 1 hour and we cant serve a drink!
So the goes on as normal,getting shouted at cause of the delay,but the delay doesnt get better,its gets worse,fog everywhere,de-icing everywhere.
Ive been on duty for 6 hours and only got paid for 3 hours,and I'm still not finished.
On every turn around which is generally 25min on paper,but realistically its about 40min,every second I spend on the ground,cleaning dirty nappies off the floor,picking up emtpy cups and papers,I DONT GET PAID,and while this is all going on,we have to board another 182 passengers.
We dont even get gloves to pick up any of the rubbish,so I truely feel horrible after I picked up a leaking nappy!
I found sick on the floor,and we dont have time to get cleaners on to clean it,so I had to use some sick bags and tissue paper to get the chucks off the floor,but couldnt do anything more.
We board everyone,get de-iced at were now 7 1/2 hours on duty and 2 hours delayed,I've only been paid for 4 1/2 of these hours I've been cleaning sick,and picking up nappies!
I finally get a chance to eat and have a quick drink(water),but my water bottle has burst due to the pressure in the cabin and I have about a cup full left,and my top coat is soked!Great!So I have to spend €3 on a small bottle of water.While my meal is cooking in the oven,its a sausage and mash ready meal from a supermarket,I have to serve 182 passengers,sell "smokeless cirgarettes", sell scratch cards,sell food,sell calenders and sell not so cheap "tax free gifts" and all this is to be done in 1 hour!
We land after our 6 flights,and were over 3 hours late,I stopped getting paid 4 hours ago.
So I've been working for 12 hours and got paid for 8 of them,but because I landed so late they took a flight off me tommorrow...SO to add insult to injury,I'm now down another 9 hours work tommorrow.Its going to be a cold christmas....."
Salary for this month was 827 Euro,they took 257 Euro for training,30 Euro for uniform,290 Euro for my rent.I have 255 to feed myself,travel cost to work and if i last 12 months without termination,i will be very lucky...
Welcome to Ryanair,Probationary Cabin Crew....
After paying over 3,000 Euro For Training
"Its Friday morning,its 4.30am,-2 degress,I'm standing at a bus stop waiting to go to the slave camp(crew room).Im freezing!I cant wear anything that Ryanair didnt give to me,so I have a coat on that isnt worth a dam!I have a scarf on with Ryanair writin on it,useless!I paid €300 for THIS,its not water proof,its doesnt keep the heat in,the buttons rip off(which I must pay to have replaced) and the gloves I was given ripped on my second day!
Your probably asking,why not just buy your own gloves,your own scarf etc.
Well if I do,I will go to work,be given a grooming discrepancy,and probably have a disciplinary meeting in Dublin over it.So what do I do?
Ill buy an extra scarf off Ryanair,gloves and an extra coat(about €80 total).I put in the forms,got charged and two months later?Still nothing,no coat,no gloves,no scarf...but wait,someone was sacked so my base supervisor took the second hand clothes off the former employee and gave them to me instead of the new clothes I paid for.
I report for my flight at 5.30am,its still -2 degrees!My flight doesnt depart for another 1 hour,I'm getting briefed on the 6,yes 6 flights that are ahead of me,all are full so its going to be busy.Great!Theres fog everywhere today and we already have a 1 hour delay due to a slot restriction and de-icing.Great!
I've walked 10minutes to the aircraft,its 6am still freezing though.We board all 179 its now 6.30,I've been in work for one hour and I havent earned a single penny yet,I've been shouted at because we've been delayed 1 hour and we cant serve a drink!
So the goes on as normal,getting shouted at cause of the delay,but the delay doesnt get better,its gets worse,fog everywhere,de-icing everywhere.
Ive been on duty for 6 hours and only got paid for 3 hours,and I'm still not finished.
On every turn around which is generally 25min on paper,but realistically its about 40min,every second I spend on the ground,cleaning dirty nappies off the floor,picking up emtpy cups and papers,I DONT GET PAID,and while this is all going on,we have to board another 182 passengers.
We dont even get gloves to pick up any of the rubbish,so I truely feel horrible after I picked up a leaking nappy!
I found sick on the floor,and we dont have time to get cleaners on to clean it,so I had to use some sick bags and tissue paper to get the chucks off the floor,but couldnt do anything more.
We board everyone,get de-iced at were now 7 1/2 hours on duty and 2 hours delayed,I've only been paid for 4 1/2 of these hours I've been cleaning sick,and picking up nappies!
I finally get a chance to eat and have a quick drink(water),but my water bottle has burst due to the pressure in the cabin and I have about a cup full left,and my top coat is soked!Great!So I have to spend €3 on a small bottle of water.While my meal is cooking in the oven,its a sausage and mash ready meal from a supermarket,I have to serve 182 passengers,sell "smokeless cirgarettes", sell scratch cards,sell food,sell calenders and sell not so cheap "tax free gifts" and all this is to be done in 1 hour!
We land after our 6 flights,and were over 3 hours late,I stopped getting paid 4 hours ago.
So I've been working for 12 hours and got paid for 8 of them,but because I landed so late they took a flight off me tommorrow...SO to add insult to injury,I'm now down another 9 hours work tommorrow.Its going to be a cold christmas....."
Salary for this month was 827 Euro,they took 257 Euro for training,30 Euro for uniform,290 Euro for my rent.I have 255 to feed myself,travel cost to work and if i last 12 months without termination,i will be very lucky...
Welcome to Ryanair,Probationary Cabin Crew....
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